Saturday, January 9, 2010

My penpal Stéphanie from France!

I have quite a few wonderful penpals and I might introduce them all to you one at a time in the future, but today I want to tell you about someone in particular.

Stéphanie lives in France with her husband & their son where they have a manga bookstore. We write our letters in French since it's our first language. Although we haven't known each other for such a long time yet, I feel close to her and she's someone I know I can count on.

Stéphanie is caring & generous and sent me 2 awesome packages in December - one for my 30th birthday and one for Christmas.

Here are a few photos of the birthday presents she enclosed!

I haven't taken pictures of the Christmas package, but it included a few handmade cards as well as a book she thought I'd like. It's about a little girl's education in Japan in the 1940's. I'm sure I'll enjoy it!

Stéphanie has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh. She's thoughtful, genuine, curious, open-minded and understanding. She's always interested in what I'm going through, she often comments on my blog posts & Facebook updates and she even orders stationery from me! She has a healthy outlook on life and I'm glad that she's part of my life now!

Merci, ma chère Stéphanie!

Julie xox

1 comment:

  1. wow Great this tribute to your friend, it's great to have those wonderful friend, even so far away they can fill our heart with the most beautiful feelings we are able to feel. I am a lucky person too.

    Cheers to Stéphanie to be such a great friend, and to all the great penfriends around the world!

    Much love Julie,
