Friday, February 19, 2010


Remember when I said that Louis-Justin was really sick? Well, now it's my turn! Cough + sore throat + runny nose + fever + asthma = not a good combination.

See you in a few days!

Julie xox


  1. I am sorry about that! I hope you get better soon.

  2. Oh dear! I hope you get better! (just like David.) Try to stay home, in bed as much as you can and burn eucaliptus or peppermint scented oil. It helps with the asthma. A spoonfull of ginger syrup three times a day makes wonders for the sore throat, or hot milk with honey and oregano.

    Yeah, I sound like an old lady.

    Just get better, darling!

  3. Eh bien Julie! C'est le mois des maladies pour tout le monde avec cet hiver qui s'éternise. J'en sors à peine après 3 semaines d'angine/bronchite/ reangine :-(

    Remède de grand-mère efficace : thé vert + miel + citron vert à boire toute la journée. Autres versions pour la gorge (parce que au bout d'un moment le citron c beurk): thé rouge + gingembre.

    Courage à toi!


  4. Big bowls of hot soup, plenty of sleep and you will feel better in no time at all :) Glad to read your wee guy is not ill anymore.
